Thanks for another nice writeup Ellen. A great contrast between narcissism and social anxiety, but a bit on the black-and-white side. Just like most mental health issues and dysfunctions, there is a spectrum. One can surely have social anxiety while also having traits of narcissism.

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Thanks Gavin! Yes, agreed on the continuum idea and the possibility of overlap. I'm assuring the folks who put an extra layer of self-criticism ("I'm being self-centered/This is selfish/I must be a narcissist") on top of their social anxiety that the two concepts are, thankfully, different.

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs ago

Thanks for the response. Makes sense to me, thought maybe a bit harsh on those that do have this mishmash of social anxiety and narcissism as a response mechanism--but possibly a needed the kick in the pants. Learning and accepting that one has narcissistic behavior is a tough pill to swallow but how else to learn aside from being straight-up called out?

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